He spent important money on a small jewel for his wife. 他花了大笔钱给太太买了一块宝石。
If the plan works, page will have created a blueprint that other companies can use to reduce their own energy use and as important save money at the same time. 如果这项计划奏效,佩奇将为其他公司创造一个可供参考的蓝图,帮助它们减少各自使用的能源,更重要的是为公司省钱。
Indeed, according to a survey published last week by YouGov, having nice colleagues is as important as money in persuading employees to stay in their jobs. 事实上,YouGov上周发布的一项调查显示,在说服员工留在自己工作岗位上方面,拥有好同事与金钱同样重要。
A: Which do you find more important, money or friends? 甲:你认为钱和朋友哪一个更重要?
We've discussed in the past how strong family relationships may be more important than money in achieving happiness. 我们过去曾讨论过,紧密的家庭关系可能比金钱更能给人带来幸福感。
Clearly money will always be a key element in choosing a career but feeling a sense of achievement and using your brain are more important than money to many women today. 显然在择业中,钱总会是一个关键因素,但对今天的许多女人来说,成就感和运用你的头脑比钱更重要。
Your mother and I work very hard to maintain this family, you'll know how important money is when you become a breadwinner yourself. 我跟你母亲为了维持这个家庭都非常辛苦地工作。等你要养家活口的时候,你就知道钱的重要了。
The question of which is more important more money or more free time is a big one in France. 到底是钱多点更重要,还是空闲时间多点更重要,这在法国可是个大问题。
Anonymity and liquidity, two characteristics important to money launderers, typically do not exist in real estate transactions, the Dechert law firm wrote. 对洗钱者十分重要的匿名和流动性这两个特征,在房地产交易中往往不存在,德杰律师事务所(Dechert)写道。
The findings, from a poll of 1,000 people aged 70 and over by the insurance firm Beagle Street, show that loving relationships are more important than money or material gain. 英国保险公司比格街对1000名70岁以上的老人进行的调查显示,爱情比金钱和物质更重要。
He said friendship is more important than money. 他说友谊比金钱更重要。
Ace Hardware is keeping its 4,600 stores nationwide closed on Thanksgiving, taking the high ground by saying, 'Some things are more important than money.' AceHardware在全美的4600家门店在感恩节这天都不会开门,该公司摆出高姿态称,有些东西比钱更重要。
Other factors-like marriage quality and health-become more relatively important than money. 其他诸如婚姻质量和健康这样的因素相对来说变得比金钱更加重要。
But the requirement to build an attractive set of lots may be more important than money in many cases. 但在许多情况下,能够积攒一批有吸引力的藏品比钱更重要。
Yet in the bank's mano a mano with the bond market, psychology could be more important than money. 然而在银行与债券市场的博弈中,心理可能比钱更重要。
How important is money? 金钱有多重要?
The three aspects above, in my opinion, are more important than money when considering which job to take. 依本人之见,当本人们思索从事何种工作时,以上所罗列地三个方面就比金钱主要。
Not all the new companies can succeed, but the spirit and creativity they represent are more important than money. 不是所有的新公司能成功,但是他们所表现的精神和创造力比钱重要。
But just how important is money to Beckham and is he really the all-consuming squanderer that many perceive him to be? 不过钱对他来说究竟有多重要,他真的是很多人想象中那样挥金如土的人吗?
I'm of the opinion that health is far more important than money for most people. 在我看来,对大部分人来说,健康远比金钱重要。
As Van Persie said on signing, these ideals were more important than money. 从范佩西签约后的讲话来看,上边我们说的因素比钱更重要。
The mental satisfaction should always be more important than money! 精神上的愉悦应该比钱更重要!
Joy, peace and unity are more important than money. 喜乐,和平和联合比金钱重要多了。
How important is money to you? It can make things better, but what is important is making the most of life. 有钱会让人生活得更好,但重要的是要尽情享受生活。
How important is money to you? 金钱对你有多重要?
Recongnition and self-expression are just as important as money to many people. 对许多人而言,认同和成就感和金钱一样重要。
Sometimes people say you spent this money, but Voronin was a Bosman transfer and he has been really good so it is not important the money. 很多时候人们指责你花掉了这些钱,但是沃勒宁是一个自由转会的球员,他已经做的非常好了,而钱不是最关键的。
However, the kind of confrontations in the monetary theories have led to many a difference in understandings about how important money is to economy and in what ways money works in economy; 但是,这种不同和对立,毕竟使得对诸如货币对经济到底有多重要,货币以什么方式影响着经济,政府可能和应当采用什么样的货币政策等诸多看法存在着不同。
Funny Money ON DIVISOR PROBLEMS Hence, what's important is money divisor. 因而,在货币供给创造过程中,最重要的是货币除数。
The short-term buyback interest rate is the important money market interest rate. 短期回购利率是重要的货币市场利率,是短期债券发行定价和利率衍生品定价的重要基准,也是套利资金的成本,其对市场的影响越来越大。